Only those who pioneer the future with their
strength can become the protagonist of history
Only those who pioneer
the future with their
strength can become the
protagonist of history

That is the path that KG Engineering has taken over 30 years and the path that it will take That is the path that KG Engineering has taken
over 30 years and the path that it will take

KG started with 2 people in a small office in 1994 and currently, there are over 1,200 executives and employees with us.
There was no drama-like luck in the background of big growth.
We just focused on reaching out to the hearts of our customers and endlessly transformed and took the challenge to resolve their needs.
In short, the power that has made the present-day KG was the effort of achieving our philosophy of “Endless thought, endless transformation, endless challenge”.
After setting forth the goals, we focused and implemented them. After achieving the goals, we set fort other goals and we repeatedly took on challenges.
In such a process, we identified the unique orientation of KG and in the future, we will continue to grow as we fulfill it.

KG will infinitely unfold the possibilities of engineering KG will infinitely unfold the possibilities of engineering

The reason KG was able to position itself firmly in the comprehensive fields within the industry, from business planning to design, construction and maintenance, wasn’t because it was equipped with expertise in all the fields from the beginning.
It was because, starting from civil engineering, it experienced hands-on, one by one, then researched, accumulated KG’s unique know-how, ultimately reaching the current position.
KG’s potential is still exuberant.
In the future, KG will constantly reiterate innovation based on all the technology and information bestowed in the company and will infinitely expand the possibilities of engineering.

KG will become the pride of all engineering KG will become the pride of all engineering

KG has supported engineers who devote their passion and take on challenges. Even to this moment, KG is continuously increasing the annual salary as an effort to offer the best treatment in the industry.
In the future, KG will pay attention to efforts and passion, instead of the engineer’s academic background and career and will not be frugal about evaluating the performances that have been achieved by such.
Moreover, we will also be attentive to the quality of the engineer’s lives. We believe that the company can only grow when the engineers are happy and only when the engineers can work energetically.
This is why we endeavor to listen to the opinions of the executives and employees, implement various welfare systems and strive to ensure that all the members of the company can actually feel that the workplace is happy.
A company where the engineers work with pride! That is the future that KG dreams of.

KG will become the company that all customers and vendors wish to work together with KG will become the company that all customers and vendors wish to work together with

Under the management ideology of “A company that looks far ahead and acts big”, we have silently walked the path while looking at the bigger future without dwelling on the profits right in front of the eyes.
For this, we have strengthened the communication inside the organization so that the best decisions could be made at every moment and we have provided support so that the members could exhibit their best competence.
This is why the decisions that we have made were able to gain the trust of customers and vendors.
KG considers that trust as our biggest asset. We will build up that asset.

之之之中知  行行行中成 之之之中知  行行行中成

You will know as you go and go, and you will achieve as you perform and perform.
It wasn’t always a bed of roses for us. We underwent countless ordeals, trial and error.
Nonetheless, such difficulty gave us the courage to challenge again. It raised the power to transform the unknown into the known.
Thus, we are willing to go and we will go again. We will perform and perform again, together with the customers, executives and employees, until we achieve the goals.
By continuously transforming the unknown into the known, we will endeavor so that we can enjoy economic and mental freedom, together with our customers.

KG Engineering,
will take the lead
in creating a more beautiful, more pleasant and
a more prosperous world
in a place, closest to our lives
KG Engineering,
will take the lead
in creating a more beautiful,
more pleasant and a more prosperous
in a place, closest to our lives

Since 1994, Will Keep Going KG GROUPCEOChoi Han Soon

KG Engineering’s promotional video