We will provide the best design
based on various experiences
We will provide the best
design based on various

Social gains are considered more important than corporate gains Social gains are considered more important
han corporate gains

Road Image

As a company supervising not only road project planning, but feasibility, master planning, detailed design for local governments and also expressway basic, working design, we are already recognized for the accumulated technology and passion of the best experts and its design technology in the field of road by utilizing KGRoad operation technology which is a Bim solution dedicated to roads. It has become a comprehensive consultant in the field of roads by expanding the field of business while taking quantum leaps towards growth. We will provide total engineering service, perfectly satisfying the customer’s demands with solid organization and supporting activities and we will provide the optimal outcome with the best efforts.

Business fields
Business fields
Master plan and feasibility study Road network plan for national and local government
Basic and working design Expressway, national road, provincial road, municipal and county road
Others Proposal on private investment projects and 3rd party notice proposal, technology proposal, design and commissioning turnkey (TK), public participation for design, basic and working design for urban planning road, assignment of site for rest area and detail design, BRT basic/working design, feasibility assessment of access facility and detail planning, etc.
교통 Image
Traffic planning

Traffic planning starts from analyzing the travel characteristics and intentions of people and is a planning field that assists people to lead affluent lives by securing mobility and economic feasibility.

Business fields
Business fields
Road planning field Planning to secure national competitiveness through flawless communication by ensuring the mobility of people and goods based on fundamental plans regarding road networks which is the basis of national territory planning
Traffic improvement planning field Overall plans that resolve city traffic issues based on the operation plan of public transportation, securing transportation safety and pedestrian system planning based on flawless transportation communication of the city
Others Traffic impact evaluation and improvement of transportation operation for securing the appropriateness of the transportation system, transportation safety diagnosis for securing safety of facility, planning such as management of parking supply and demand
구조 Image
Structure · RailWay

The civil engineering structure field executes the general planning of structures considering the economic feasibility, stability, construction, aesthetic beauty, maintenance and the like in general depending on the recent economic development and the optimal design of structures based on the designer’s accumulated technology, latest equipment and program.

Business fields

Bridge, retaining wall, steel construction, urban railway, overpass/underpass, pipe utility conduit, road amenities, port structure

지반 Image
Geotechnical and tunnel engineering

By conducting soil surveying to secure baseline data required for design throughout the entire fields of civil engineering, the basic design for slopes, weak foundation and structure as well as underground structures such as road, railway, tunnel and electric cable tunnel are planned and designed. In particular, an underground safety impact assessment as well as structures and slope safety diagnosis evaluations are conducted to expand the competence of geotechnical engineers.

Business fields
Business fields
Basic and working design Design of underground structures including tunnels, basic design of structures, slope design, weak foundation design, temporary facility, earthquake-resistant design
Others Ground survey/Test/Performance analysis, dredging and earth filling, sheathing/design and measuring, underground safety impact assessment, precision safety diagnosis of structure and slope
도시 Image
Urban planning

We endeavor to create a pleasant urban space by establishing plans that predicts and prepare for future transformations of the rapidly changing modern society to ensure that safe and orderly life in the community can be achieved through endless joint researches with expert groups of urban issues.

Business fields
Business fields
Urban planning Master plan of city and county, management plan of city and county, district-unit planning, urban regeneration and revitalization planning
Development projects Housing development projects (public housing district construction projects), urban development projects, projects for improving urban and residential environment, projects for creating industrial complexes, feasibility analysis of development, etc.
단지 Image
Land & urban design

We execute planning and design for the efficient use of limited national territory and for an eco-friendly ecological city based on abundant experience in complex design. We are also successfully conducting complex processes such as complex planning, earthworks for complexes, water supply and drainage, and structures based on the best technology. Based on KG-Land which is a BIM solution dedicated to complex design, we are realizing the advancement of complex design and we strive endlessly with the objective of dimensional development of national territory.

Business fields
Business fields
Basic and working design Planning and design of public or private development projects pursuant to such as housing complexes, industrial complexes, distribution and logistics complexes, investment pioneering complexes
Others Technology proposal, design and construction turnkey (TK), public participation for design, Construction Management at Risk (CMR), etc.
조경 Image
Tourism landscape

We are leading the creation of pleasant and beautiful spaces where nature and people coexist as well as the eco-friendly development of national territory and we are accumulating a lot of achievements and know-how based on technical thinking and artistic sensation.

Business fields
Business fields
Master plan and feasibility study Master plan for park and green, feasibility study, park creation plan, plan for creating tourist spots, various development projects
Basic and working design Forest recreation, park (city park and natural park), recreation area, theme park and tourist spot (tourism complex), sports facility, recreational forest, arboretum design, etc.
Others Restoration of ecological system
상하수도 Image
Water supply and drainage

Water supply and drainage turnkey is a representative public service that is essential in clean and hygienic community life. In particular, sewage treatment is closely related to the quality of life that enhances the recycling rate in the water circulation process while enabling citizens to live healthily.

Business fields

Establishment of a master plan for water supply improvement, planning and design of water intake and purification facility, planning and design of water supply and drainage facility, establishment of a master plan for sewerage improvement, planning and design of public sewage treatment facility, improvement as well as planning and design of sewage pipe and conduit facility

환경 Image

Efficient use of national territory stems from balanced development of national territory and the site analysis of cities or complexes must consider the organic interconnection with nearby regions.
KG’s effort to create a more prosperous and pleasant living environment for people never stops, even for a while.

Business fields
Business fields
Environmental assessment Strategic environmental impact assessment, environmental impact assessment, post-environment impact survey
Basic and working design Human waste and livestock manure treatment facility, wastewater treatment facility, leachate treatment facility, food waste treatment facility, sludge treatment facility, new and renewable energy facility, recycling sorting facility, incineration facility, landfill facility, soil pollution purification facility
수자원방재 Image
Water resource and disaster prevention

Dam planning for efficient use of water resources and water control adopting the concept of disaster prevention are established by considering concentrated torrential rain caused by the recent climate changes and by restoring the recent tendency of the stream environment into ecological stream, we strive to contribute to enhanced quality of life.

Business fields
Business fields
Master plan and feasibility study Comprehensive plan for stream improvement, comprehensive water control plan for water shed, stream improvement project
Basic and working design Master plan and working design for streams, ecological stream restoration project
Disaster prevention Comprehensive plan for reducing natural disasters, disaster impact assessment, improvement of district at risk of natural disaster, improvement project and Emergency Action Plan (EAP), analysis and assessment of disaster recovery project / project for installation of facility for reducing storm water runoff / project for improvement of district at risk of natural disaster
Others Safety inspection and improvement plan for small-scale public facility, design of drainage pump station
전력 Image
Electric power

The undergrounding construction of transmission and transformation of electric power is a representative public project that resolves the intensified imbalance of supply and demand between the central region of power demand, that is, the metropolitan region and large-scale generation complexes and that enhances the efficiency of national territory use. In particular, the undergrounding construction has less interference with the lives of residents and with highly reliable establishment of transmission and transformation system of electric power, it is closely related to the improvement of stability and efficiency of power supply.

Business fields

Planning and design of underground pipe conduit and underground electric cable tunnel of transmission and transformation of electric power, basic design of steel tower and transformer devices, mechanical tunnel design (Shield-TBM, Semi-Shield technique, etc.)

Major Projects

KG Engineering’s promotional video